My Story

This story starts when I had five years left in the military and a broken marriage with no prospect of getting a mortgage at 50 years old, without the consequences of paying over the top interest rates. I looked at alternate living that I could afford. I researched Narrowboats. It became my most favourable option. So I started to save.

I really don’t know how long this journey is going to last. It could be from a life time to just a phase in my life where is will end up as a chapter that leads to something else. Who Knows. Exciting…..perhaps !

A view of the galley.

The boat steel work was completed by Reeves Boats (JSR Boats) and was moved from Daventry to Nottingham to be fitted out by The Fit Out Pontoon. I have recorded this journey and is on the YouTube if anyone is interested in starting along this journey or just interested.